Monday, 17 August 2015

Basic Concepts of hardware

Difference between Input Devices and Output Devices :
A) Input Devices : 
A1 : Hand Operated Input Devices
·         Keyboard and Mouse are the most commonly used hand operated input devices.
Some of the hand operated input devices along with keyboard and mouse are as follow:
·         Track Ball :  It is used as an alternate of mouse.and has to move its ball in order to utilize it that causes the pointer to move on the screen.
·         Joystick :  It is very popular among the people fond of computer games, but today different types of game controllers are replacing them gradually. Joystick is used to control the machine such as crane in the process of building constructions.
·         Digital Camera :  Digital camera can take the image and also records the videos. The images and videos taken by digital cameras are recorded in files. These files can get copied into the computer that can be further edited for many purposes.
·         Microphone : Microphone is used to input the sound. It can be used to enter text in any word processing application with voice recognition software in the computer.
·         Touch Screen :   There is a network of light rays in touch sensitive visual display unit or in screen that recognizes the touch. Touch screen is used in many mobile phones. They are often used in cash machines and chopping centres.
·         Video Digital :  Video digital takes the images from video camera or television and stores it into the computer for further use. The video sequences taken by video digital are mainly used in multimedia presentation.
Scanner : Scanner is used to convert an image into its digital form. It is similar to photocopier but it makes digital copy of an image instead of its hard copy. It is used to scan the text with the software optical character recognition.
Graphic Tablet : There is a flat pad on the graphic tablet upon which an user writes with the help of a special pen. Pictures can also be drawn on the screen using that pen in this way.

B) Output Devices :
The means through which computer gives output are known asOutput Devices.
Some of the most popular output devices are as follow:
1.      Monitor
2.      Printer
3.      Projector
4.      Sound Card
5.      Speaker
6.      Video Card

Projector is that hardware device which projects an image on the flat surface like computer screen. These devices are generally used in meetings, seminars and presentations because each person can easily see the image projected by it sitting in a big room.
Sound Card
It is also known as Sound Board or Audio Card. Sound card is an expansion card or unified circuit that enables computer to produce sound through speaker or headphone
It is the device which presents the sound produced during any programme. This is connected to sound card and gives the sound produced by card in the form of output.
Video Card
It is also known as Graphics Card, Video Board or Video Controller. This is an internal circuit board that allows the image displaying devices like monitor to display the images.

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